
These are some of the things we were already doing as individuals, so we thought we’d invite you to join us and make it a group thing.  There might only be a few people there, but its going to be a good activity no matter the size the of the group.  Look on the calendar page to see when the next occurence of any activity listed here.

If you’d like to submit your own idea for an activity, contact Josh Paget

Stair Team

At 75 stories, the US Bank building is the tallest building on the west coast.  It also had the honor of being the first building blown up by the aliens in the movie Independence Day.

The general public is not allowed on the top floor except for one day each year…. and they have to take the stairs!

Each year the building hosts a race to the top as a fundraiser for the downtown YMCA.

We are forming teams to compete in the race.  And we’re practicing together once-a-month at the Santa Monica Stairs.

Burgers, Beer, Bible

Pub Theology, Bible and Beer, or just hanging out.  Whatever you call it, we’re doing it.  LA has all the new burger hot spots.  Join us for some casual conversation about big ideas as we check off all the new destination burgers.

Homeless Lunch

Each Monday @ 2  we welcome needy guests and invite them in and give them a warm meal, hygiene products, reading material, fellowship and prayer.  Volunteer by serving on the line, washing dishes, or singing with the band.

Service Saturdays

Whether it’s refurbishing donated wheelchairs, replanting on the canyon hikes, or serving at the food bank, group service activities are not only a great way to give back, but a great way to socialize and build friendships through serving side by side.

Movie Night

Tired of sitting through all these awards shows saying to yourself “I wanted to see that!  I wanted to see that, too!”  Take action!  Join us every Tuesday for a night out at the movies.

Small Group Book Study

Home group discussions about a recent read, or sermon, or gallery, or whatever!  Look up groups by book, area of town, or meeting time on the small group page.

Gallery of the Month

LA is home to the most diverse group of artists in the world.  Take advantage of living in such a creative city and experience the local art scene.  Check the calendar for the group outing or visit anytime you’re free and discuss at the next small group, small talk, or whatever.

Noodles & New Urbanism

The alternative to Beer & Bible.  Eat delicious noodles and discuss New Urbanism.  The answer to all of society’s problems.  Don’t believe me?  Come to Noodles & New Urbanism and challenge us!

Inter-Faith Field Trips

We crash the party at other churches to experience spirituality in their way and reach out and expand our community.

Pub Trivia

Join the All Saints 20s30s Pub Trivia Team.  Open to all (you don’t have to know a lot of trivia).

Vegan Dining Relapse

If Los Angeles has an indigenous cuisine to call uniquely its own, it’s veganism.  A group of us went vegan for lent this year.  Read about our experiences on our forty days of vegan blog.  But the summary is this:  it was fun and enlightening. We found new delicious foods and formed new friendships.  We want to keep it up.  So join us once in a while as we “relapse” back into veganism for one night only.  At our favorite vegan oasis or at one of our homes to try our favorite new fangled vegan recipes.